What to expect during a chiropractic adjustment?

PLUS! New hours announcement inside!!

What to expect during your first chiropractic visit at Pomeroy Chiropractic Wellness!

If you’re a regular patient of ours, PLEASE DON’T CHECK OUT! Instead, help us grow by forwarding this email newsletter to someone you know who could benefit from chiropractic and tell them to come in for our NEW PATIENT SPECIAL!! (Details below)


NOW! If you’ve never visited our clinic and wonder what to expect on your first visit, we are here to explain.

At Pomeroy Chiropractic Wellness (PCW) we pride ourselves in providing the best care to our patients because we believe our patients are the lifeblood of our practice. From the moment you walk through the door, you will be greeted with a warm smile and treated with tender care. We recognize that many folks who come to us, do so with a great amount of pain and are looking for relief. We do our best to identify root causes, educate for prevention and healing, and provide maximum comfort (physical AND emotional!) during your first adjustment with us. We do not perform x-rays, and your first adjustment with us will include an adjustment with a Zone and/or Webster trained doctor of chiropractic.

Our doctors use the Zone Technique which was founded in 1931 by Dr. Thurman Fleet. Zone Therapy analyzes the six main systems of the body: glandular, eliminative, nerve, digestive, muscular and circulatory. Messages travel back and forth along the spinal cord between these systems and the brain via the nerves. When the messages are interrupted due to what is called subluxations in the spine, one or all of the above six systems can begin to function improperly. Subluxations are when one or more of the 33 vertebrae in the spine come out of proper alignment and begin to constrict the spinal cord.

The vertebrae may come out of proper alignment for a number of reasons. There may have been an injury, like a fall or fender-bender, or there may be degenerative disc issues, poor posture, or something as commonly accepted as repetitive stress to a particular area due to ones job, lack of movement, or poor mechanics during regular or strenuous activity. Pregnancy can also put stress on the joints as baby grows and puts extra pressure all throughout the lower abdominal area.

As we gather your history during this first appointment, we will piece together what the body is trying to communicate through poor functioning systems, and the story of pain presenting in the body. Whatever the reason may be, we will find the misalignment, subluxation, and work to restore as much movement back into the joint as possible. If your hips are out of alignment, we will address that. We can also take a look at shoulder, wrist, knee, ankle…..well…ANY PESKY JOINT!

After gathering your history, discussing your pain points, explaining the process of the adjustment, and performing your first adjustment, we will discuss treatment options going forward. Depending on your unique situation, we will decide together on the best course of action for you.

Our AMAZING chiropractic assistants at the front desk will set you up with payment options that suit your needs as best as possible. We do NOT file insurance for new patients anymore and have transitioned to a “cash” practice. We DO HOWEVER accept Flex Spending and Health Savings cards and can provide you with receipts to submit to your insurance company if needed. As a “cash” practice, we will accept cash, check, debit or credit card for payment at the time of service (we do not bill out.)

New patient appointments are $60 with Dr. Shawn.

Dr. Kayla is running a new patient special introductory price for the first appointment of $30 over the age of 18, and $20 for those 17 years old and younger.

Follow up appointments for either doc are $45 for those persons aged 18-64. $30 for all other ages.

We have packages available, and a special Wellness Club for those who want to make chiropractic part of their regular wellness preventative plan and would love to discuss those options with you.

Call us at 316-686-2020 to make your new patient appointment!


PCW will stay open in Wichita and Derby for regular hours during Spring Break so bring your kiddos in for an adjustment!

CLICK HERE to see our regular hours in either office and contact our office if you wish!

NEW Hours for Dr. Kayla and the Derby office.

Dr. Kayla will be in the Derby office, as usual, alongside Dr. Shawn Monday afternoons from 1:30 to 5:30 pm, and Wednesdays from 8am-noon, and 1:30-5:30pm.

Dr. Kayla will be opening new hours in the Derby office while Dr. Shawn will remain in the Wichita office on Fridays!

Friday hours for Derby with Dr. Kayla will be 9am - 11:30am.

Make your appointment today!

In Wellness,

Dr. Shawn, Dr. Kayla, Maddy, Malarie, and Charlene